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A small town Iowa girl who married her rodeo cowboy and decided to cash in her teaching career to chase a big life and impact the lives of women everywhere.


The basics:

  • Rodeo Wife to Cody

  • Boy Mom to Leroy & Wacey

  • Small Town Teacher Turned Big Life Chaser

But what you really need to know is, I'm obsessed with helping women just like you seek God first to transform every aspect of their lives at the root. 


From health and finances to marriage and faith, I've got the tools to help you get to the ROOT of the issues. 


  • Root issues in HEALTH start in the gut.

  • Root issues in FINANCES start with education.

  • Root issues in MARRIAGE start with heart wounds.

  • Root issues in your FAITH start with your identity. 

Hi, friend! If you haven’t met me yet, my name is Shayla and I help women seek God first to transform their marriages, their homes, and their lives! I’m a small town wife and momma from Iowa who loves Jesus and is passionate about pointing women to TRUTH so they can live abundant and thriving lives. 


Have you ever had a moment in your life where you just knew staying the same wasn’t an option any more? You look around and you notice you are surrounded by negativity, disappointments, lack, and this feeling of disconnection from yourself and those around you. You realize you only have one life and a switch goes off inside of you to make you see that living less than God’s best for you is no longer an option. 


Well, that’s what happened to me. For the past 10 years, I’ve been on the pursuit of “better.” Better finances. Better marriage. Better health. Better everything. And I’ll be honest. Sometimes that pursuit led me down some hard paths. Sometimes the pursuit created idols in my life. Sometimes I took a left when I should have taken a right. Sometimes I did what the world wanted me to do instead of what God wanted me to do. 



It still led me here. It led me to discovering my true identity as a daughter of God. It led me to finding my God-given assignment. It led me to a passion to love others the way that Jesus loves and so for that, I’m thankful for all the twists and turns. It really is never about the destination…but about the journey. And if you decide to follow Jesus fully…the journey of growing your relationship with Him will be the most fruitful thing you will ever do. 


If you are finding this page, you are most likely very much like me. On this pursuit of “better.” Specifically a better marriage. You are tired of settling for the “roommate” situation. You are tired of feeling disconnected because of the craziness of life. You are wondering why you have these feelings of anger and bitterness towards your husband. You might be feeling really alone and unworthy and I am HERE TO HELP. Trust me. This is my story too. I’m here to take the last 10 years of my life and the lessons that I have learned and give them to YOU, so maybe you don’t have to have quite as many bumps as me. 


I realized that my health, my finances, and my faith life had a lot more to do with the health of my marriage than I had thought. And as someone on the pursuit of “better,” I’m always looking for solutions! I’m going to be sharing with you the supplements I take that have helped me tackle the stress of life and live a more mentally well lifestyle. I’m going to share with you the financial advisors that I trust to help me make, manage and grow our money and how they helped Cody and I become a TEAM in this area. I’m going to share with you my faith and wisdom from the Holy Spirit on how to seek God first in everything you do, so that love is poured out onto your family. I’ll even mentor you 1-1 if you are an ambitious momma, looking for guidance on finding your own God-given purpose and passion. Whatever your specific need is, I’m pretty sure I can help! 


I truly am so grateful that you are here and I hope that we can find the right fit for you on your pursuit of “better” because settling for anything less than God’s best for you just isn’t going to cut it any more, sister! Make sure to check out my GET TO THE ROOT page for more information on how I can help you! 


The Rooted Wife Membership is NOW OPEN! Click here for more information on my weekly trainings, community, and spiritual encouragement on your marriage journey! 

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