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Image by Nathan Dumlao

marriage transformation toolbox


Seeking God first is the key to transforming your marriage but there are additional things you can do to support yourself and your marriage along the journey. Below are a collection of things I carry I in my "toolbox" to stay rooted.

Making Fruit Salad

Rooted In Health

It may be common to struggle with gut issues, headaches, mood swings, sleep issues, and energy levels...but it actually isn't NORMAL. Getting to the root issues of my health by focusing on the gut-brain connection changed EVERYTHING for me. Learn more about my Happy Juice approach to living vibrantly!


Rooted In Heart Healing

From slamming doors and knock-down-drag-out fights with my becoming a team and growing as Christ-followers together...Cody and I have come a long way. Identifying my heart wounds and understanding my identity as a daughter of God is the only way I was able to heal the hurts that I wanted my husband to fix. Marriage is the holiest of holy commitments and it is designed to be BEAUTIFUL. Learn more about looking at the INSIDE of you inorder to transform your mariage, your home, and your life. 

Woman with Bible

Rooted In Faith

Identity is EVERYTHING...and knowing WHO you are in Christ will change your life. These are my favorite resources that have helped me grow in my faith and have helped me grow deeper in my walk with God. If you want to fall in love with  God again...these are for you! Check them out on my Amazon Storefront right here!

Rooted In Finances

Money really isn't the root of all evil...but making it your idol IS. Over the years money has been the biggest stressor in my life and in my marriage. It wasn't until we finally made a PLAN and got organized with it that anything changed. Book a call with my trusted financial advisor who helped us get back on track to biblical financial stewardship. 

Men with Calculator
Women Holding Hands

Rooted In Leadership

I've been building a business from home for 10 years...and always felt pulled towards this version of MORE. And over the years, I have focused on all the wrong sources of more...which cost me a lot of time and money...and left me incredibly frustrated. If you are an ambitious momma like me, and you've been wanting that breakthrough for yourself...slowing down to get to the ROOT of WHO you are, WHAT your calling is and HOW God wants you to carry that out can be all the difference for you. I can help. Learn more about my 1-1 coaching program!

  • Stress Management + Gut Health

  • Financial Support + Solutions

  • Healing Heart Wounds + Your Marriage

  • Renewing Your Faith + Identity In God

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